23 February 2010

I [heart] The Pioneer Woman

Made hlellem for dinner tonight and served some naan with it.

I do realize that naan is not Tunisian (or even North African), but ever since we started studying South Asia in class the other day I have had a hankerin' for it.

And I had no other bread in the house.

Absolutely none.

I look at it this way - I'm just doing my part to try to create harmony and understanding between cultures that might not otherwise mingle much.  Hey, it's more effective than what the UN does... maybe that's where they have gone wrong all of these years.  There hasn't really been a culinary component to their peace missions... well, besides that whole "Oil for Food Scandal Programme".  That one didn't go so well.  Oops. 

Moving on...

Since I had some time this afternoon to just play around while the hlellem was simmering, I mosey-ed on over to The Pioneer Woman's site to look for an easy dessert idea.  Ended up settling on Marlboro Man's favorite cookies - Oatmeal Crispies.  I really loved the fact that all of the ingredients were pantry staples. 

I think they might be the simplest, most wholesome tasting cookies I have ever made. 

That "wholesome" thing can be taken care of by pairing it with some Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla. 

This one, in particular, was calling my name.  

Next on my list of baked goods - Smitten Kitchen's thick, chewy granola bars.  I realized today during breakfast just how processed my store-bought granola bars taste. Yuck.  Definitely ready for something new. 


  1. Girl. You write so well, and I'm totally jealous. :) In a good way, of course, but you were meant for blogging!!
    Coming to steal a cookie now...

    oh, and I {heart} PW too...have for a couple years now...she's way too fun.

  2. Think I'll make those cookies today!
