14 March 2010

Attempts at Gardening

I am tired of paying through the nose each week at the grocery store for things like herbs and basic veggies I can (theoretically) easily grow at home. 

Now that it's nice outside again there is no reason I can't.  Or at least can't try

This spider-like pink flowering plant is about the only thing that didn't die over the winter.

In the past I have successfully grown basil, cilantro and chives, so I thought I would give it a whirl again. 

Remember, I'm uber-cheap, so I'm using empty coffee cans to start the plants.

I realized drainage was going to be a problem, so I punctured the bottom of the cans. 
I hope that does the trick.

I also put a few pieces of broken pots at the bottom of each can to help with drainage .

This is what Target had in stock the evening we visited.

The packages are pretty at least!

Tiny basil seeds - they kind of look like little 'droppings'. 

Cilantro seeds.  I couldn't get enough of this smell!

Here are my Herb Cans: Day 0
(That's a classy labeling system, huh?)

For some reason I got brave/optimistic at the store yesterday and purchased 3 plants:

Two Roma Tomato Plants

One Jalapeno Plant

Hopefully in a few months I will have the ingredients in my garden to make my own Pico de Gallo ... minus the onions. 

1 comment:

  1. How are the seeds doing? This was my first try and I'm having mixed results.
