Recently I ran out of time in the morning (or just hadn't been to the grocery store in awhile... I really can't remember) and found myself purchasing a 'tray lunch' from school.
Amazingly this was the best choice offered that day.
Pretty terrible, huh? And I didn't even take a chocolate milk! I can't believe we feed our students food like this. No wonder ADD and ADHD are on the rise, along with childhood obesity.
I will refrain from commenting on the 'beige-ness' of the meal (an indication of just how processed everything is) and the fact that they are trying to pass corn off as a vegetable, instead of the starch that it really is. I won't however neglect to mention the fact that it tastes like plastic. All of it.
In response, here is an article I found referenced on
All Points Blog. The title -
Lunch Line Re-Design.
Basically, a simple re-design of the standard school cafeteria layout can strongly influence the food choices students make. Interesting...