Our district gave us the day off tomorrow. Not even sure when or how much it's going to sleet or snow here (hoping it's not going to be much), but I feel as if I have received a last minute pardon on a death sentence.
Okay, maybe that's a
tad dramatic, but I do feel as if tomorrow is a precious gift.
Here is the email we recieved from the district telling us in no uncertain terms that no, we may not set foot on campus tomorrow. I want to know who the heck emailed the Ad Building asking for permission to work tomorrow?!?!

I have been tired this week and have felt like I just couldn't catch up on lessons and grading for one of my classes. On top of that we are heading out of town this weekend for a family reuinion where we will celebrate my grandparents' 65th wedding anniversary and I haven't even
begun to think about packing.
Feeling overwhelmed/tired + severe arthritis flare-up in my hand + temps that have been pretty much below freezing for the past 2 and a half days = need for some seriously unhealthy and junky comfort food.
My bowl - perfect ratio of fritos : chili : cheddar |
Before I left for the grocery store this afternoon I asked the Hubs what he wanted for dinner. His response, "Something hearty and warm". To me that screams Frito Pie. Not made with canned chili of course, but still warm, hearty and deliciously unhealthy. Sweet Hubs even chopped the onions and grated the white cheddar.
The Hubs' bowl - incredibly full & heavily garnished |
After dinner - a nice fire roaring in the fireplace and some white chocolate macadamia nut cookies in the oven. Yep, it's gonna be a great evening.